"The economic crisis marks a moment for women to
re-discover and embrace the concept of 'enough'."
~Lynne Twist
I adore this month's book selection for the Financially Smitten Virtual Book Salon and want to share some of the author's brilliance with you.
The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources
She shares the Three Toxic Myths of Scarcity, which provide the bedrock for most of our interactions with money:
1. There's not enough.
Lynne writes: "No matter who we are or what our circumstances, we swim in conversations about what there isn't enough of." Maybe we are sharing with others how we didn’t get enough sleep, or we struggle with an internal chorus of being "not thin enough," "not smart enough," etc. This scarcity assumption is deeply embedded in us and our culture and she begs us to see its impact and question it. She states:
"Scarcity is a lie. Independent of any actual amount of resources, it is an unexamined and false system of assumptions, opinions, and beliefs from which we view the world as a place where we are in constant danger of having our needs unmet."
2. More is better.
Lynne talks about how in our rush for "more" we loose the ability to experience the deeper value of what we acquire or already have. It renders us less mindful and literally robs of us our true "riches." She writes: "In the mind-set of scarcity, even too much is not enough."
3. That's just the way it is.
Lynne notes that there is a resignation, a perceived powerlessness, regarding change and our ability to truly confront the root of these scarcity the assumptions, which perpetuates a sense of helplessness.
She implores us to question these toxic myths and provides many examples in her book of people--of all economic circumstances -- living from a place of "enoughness" and sufficiency... where they truly treasure and steward what they already have. She defines sufficiency as "an experience, a context we generate, a declaration, a knowing that there is enough, and that we are enough."
"Appreciation is the beating heart of sufficiency."
I'm sure that many of us can relate to her assertion that "...we mostly breeze right past the point of enough as if it's not even there." The key to letting in this experience of 'enough' is the willingness to relinquish these three toxic myths. Personally, I have found this to be a book that champions you to be a better version of yourself.
If you'd like to experience Lynn Twist's inspiring nature, click here to watch a two-minute video of her speaking about the two branches of gratitude.
Take some time to think about how these three toxic myths are influencing your behaviors and feelings about money. Contemplate these questions: Are there any places in my life where I feel enoughness? Are there places that I don't and I'd like to? What can I do to add more appreciation to those particular pockets of my existence?
And please join us for the conversation about "The Soul of Money" in the Financially Smitten Virtual Book Salon. We are telegathering on October 13th. You can reserve your virtual seat by clicking here
Lora Sasiela, Money Makeover Artist and founder of Financially Smitten, LLC, is empowering women worldwide to kiss fin.ancial heartache goodbye with her transformative fin.ancial therapy and m0ney coaching programs. To learn more about Lora, her services, and to claim your F.R.E.E Money Makeover Kit, visit www.FinanciallySmitten.com.
About the Financially Smitten Book Salon
A basic tenet of creating a wonderful relationship with money is to respect and appreciate it consistently. One simple way to do this is to make a commitment to read at least one book about money a month. Financially Smitten has made it easy and fun to do this with the Monthly Book Salon!
Each month we will read a book on money psychology, relationship with money, or personal finance and gather virtually on a conference line to explore the teachings. The Book Salons are lead by financial therapist and money coach Lora Sasiela. These guided discussions will:
- highlight the most powerful take-aways from each book
- provide an opportunity for Salon members to share their thoughts and reactions
- broaden your knowledge base of the nuances and dynamics inherent in managing a successful relationship with money
- help you apply this new knowledge to improve YOUR relationship with money
Each month will be a lively and educational discussion! Please join us! For more information and to register, click here.
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