Good communication is important in running a business. As people who sell and provide products and services to others, we need to effectively convey what our business is about. We have to use words that make us confident about what we are selling, words that will make us a trustworthy brand. Of course, part of conveying strong and effective messages to our consumers mean that our products and services live up and exceed their expectations. So how do we do it?
Here are some words that we should avoid using during business transactions:
Weak words – weak words can greatly affect our business transactions. When talking to customers, we have to make an impression, and using weak words is not good to start with. A sample of a weak word is the word, think. When you say, “I think you will greatly enjoy our product,” you sound unsure about the product or you are making your customer feel that you are indifferent. You can improve that sentence by saying, “You will greatly enjoy our product...” then you can go on about why the product is perfect for them. Confidence plays a big factor here. If you know what you are selling and you know it well, you are likely to deliver strong and attractive messages to your customers in a natural manner. You won’t even sound like you are trying to sell something. Customers love doing business with people who make them think and feel that they made the right decision by buying your products or services.
Evil words – we have a big responsibility to our business, especially when it comes to our brand’s reputation. Anything we do and say reflects back to our business. That’s why it’s important that we avoid using evil words such as cuss words or derogatory words. It can happen when we are talking to random people out in the street and we feel like airing our opinions. It can also happen when we are on our social media sites and we accidentally updated our status on our business site instead of our personal page. Using such words will offend our customers, especially since we don’t know them too well to have a deep understanding on what can and cannot offend them. Be on the safe side; always be polite and sensitive to what our customers will feel about our opinions or statements. Avoid cuss words or words that have a negative meaning.
Rotten words – our words become the worst when we mix it with negative attitude. Keeping a positive tone together with choosing the right words is important in business communication. This is especially true when it comes to customer service. A negative tone and the wrong words will prevent you from gaining a customer, making a sale, and increases your chance of getting a bad reputation. When it comes to customers asking you about anything regarding your business, here are some phrases you should avoid:
· I don’t know – saying this means a lot of negative things that can bring your business down. It can mean that you don’t know what you are selling. It can mean that you are not interested in this person that is asking about your products, and it can mean that you are not confident about the product or service that you are selling. It’s fine if you really don’t know the answer to the question, but it’s better if you give them a reassuring answer like, let me find out for you. Make them feel that they are important.
· Calm down – this can happen when a customer is on your social media site writing about their bad experience they had with your brand. Don’t say “calm down.” Instead, apologize and empathize. Understand the problem and then let them know that you are going to do your best to resolve the issue.
· I can’t do that – we may be limited by company policies but there’s always a way or a workaround on a problem. Saying this will mean that you are not willing to help your customer at all. Instead of saying this, what you can say is, “What I can do is...”
Choosing the right words to say to our customers always matters. When they like something that we said or did for them, they will surely tell it to others. It is the same when they get offended by the words that we say. They will tell others how about the bad experience they had while doing business with your brand. To avoid this, always follow good etiquette and be polite.
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