Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Powerful Brands Have Powerful Editors (Content Managers)

Most entrepreneurs and small business owners have cobbled together a few disparate people who write and develop marketing content for their brand.

Powerful brands have powerful editors. Assign one, highly-qualified person to oversee all of your marketing content (and there should be a lot) to make sure you have a consistent and authentic brand voice.


Your Content Manager should oversee all of the following aspects of content marketing: 
  • You Website
  • Your Blog
  • Articles & White Papers
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Social Media - Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, etc.
  • Public Relations - Press Releases & Media Outreach
This Content Manager should act as the strategic planner and the editor of all marketing content for your brand. He or she should be highly qualified as an excellent writer, editor, and manager. 

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Lessons Learned from Leeches

Leeches killed Robin Williams.  I realized this watching a video of Robin Williams making a public service advertisement with a young cancer patient.  He was totally in the moment with her, completely dedicated to making her happy.  Here was Robin’s problem.  There were more cancer patients, personal assistants, managers, staff, and fans than he could ever make happy.  Not being able to meet the expectations of seven billion earth inhabitants killed him.  Ultimately, there just wasn’t enough blood to feed all the leeches.  Leeches kill business owners as well.

A leech is a thing that feels entitled to feed on your talents, efforts, and success.  If you’re successful, you’ll wade through ponds infested with leeches every day.  Leeches can be vendors, customers, staff, friends, and even blood relatives – especially blood relatives.

There are two types of leeches: time leeches and money leeches.  I often encounter time leeches, who want to market their services to my clients.  They don’t describe their requests that way.  They talk about joint marketing efforts.  However, I have two thousand clients to their twenty.  When a leech looks in the mirror, he doesn’t see a leech.

You may find money leeches in your immediate family.  She’s the sister, who only needs a few thousand dollars to make the mortgage payment this week.  She promises to pay you back by payday.  But payday never arrives.   Soon she and her spawn move in with you on a temporary basis.  Temporary means until the sun burns down to a white dwarf in a few million years.

I’m starting a support group called Leeches Anonymous.  As with Alcoholics Anonymous, the first step towards a cure is realizing you have a problem.  However, the second step, unlike AA, is realizing that the problem isn’t you.  It’s OK to kill leeches.  But Frank, won’t the leeches hate you as a result?  Yes.  The third step in our recovery is realizing that not everyone will love you, and that’s not only OK, but it needs to be that way for you to survive.

To kill leeches, you use the “N” word.  “No” kills leeches more effectively than fire, and killing one leech kills others as the word spreads throughout the leech community that you’re an asshole.  The key to being happy is being called an asshole by the right people.

I’ve had a couple of asshole moments lately when the leeches surrounded me and bled my spirit dry.  Leeches aren’t necessarily bad people.  I cut ties with a charity event, when my expected time commitment spiraled out of control.  That commitment, combined with a bunch of others, caused me panic attacks at night.  I chose sleep and mental health over a very worthy event.  Yes, I’m an asshole, but a better rested one now.  I couldn’t meet any commitments in an exhausted state.  Some leeches had to die for others to live.

Carefully choose the leeches you let live.  You don’t have to kill all the leeches, but put the ones you don’t kill on a paying basis.  I don’t kill all the joint marketing leeches, just the ones where there’s no money in it for me.

Sometimes customers can be leeches.  Evaluate which ones feed you back financially and emotionally to compensate for your effort.  Kill the rest.  And yes – the emotional payback matters as much as the financial.  We all have customers, who kill us emotionally despite the money.

Attracting leeches is a sign of success.  More leeches means more success.  So don’t feel bad about having leeches.  Feel bad about not killing them.

As always, thanks for reading!  For real tax and accounting advice, visit the main S&K web site at  Until next time, let’s kill some leeches.

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Dye Sublimation Printing Machine for Small Business Price Manufacturer

Dye Sublimation Printing Machine for Small Business, Price and Manufacturer:-

Demand and Market of Dye Sublimation Machine:
With this Dye Sublimation Machine you can print various photos or designs on T-shirts, cups, plates, cap, tiles, key rings etc.
I think it’s demand is high in market. Anyone can start a small business at home or anywhere with this machine and can earn some handsome money with it.

How to print with Dye Sublimation Machine:
At first put the sticker of the photo or design you want to print on the thing on which you want to print. You may buy various stickers of photos and designs in the market of Rajabazar in Kolkata. Now start the machine. Al last pluck the sticker from the printed thing. To know detail procedures ask the manufactures of the Dye Sublimation Machine.
It needs ½ hp motor and 220 volts to operate the machine.

Price of the Dye Sublimation Machine:
The price of the Dye Sublimation Machine is approximately Rs.85000. There is also a small machine and it’s price is approximately Rs.35000.

Where to buy Dye Sublimation Machine/ Dye Sublimation Machine Manufacturer:
Bharat Machine Tools Industries,
61, Ganesh Chandra Avenue,

8 Aug 14 KK

3 Reasons Why You Absolutely Need a Partner

Powers of Two book

Americans are pretty obsessed with independence. Almost all of our famous entrepreneurs are presented as individuals, with a few exceptions. But this book, Powers of Two by Joshua Wolf Shenk, says that actually some of the most powerful and world-changing creativity came from pairs of two people.

He points to famous pairs John Lennon and Paul McCartney,  Marie and Pierre Curie, and Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak who were more powerful together than they were apart.

The classic entrepreneurial personality is naturally independent. Aside from anything else, your brain is moving at light speed, and it can be hard for others to keep up most of the time. But could you benefit from a partner?

Consider these three reasons for having a partner:

1. Challenge: You have to have a strong sense of self and belief in your ideas to become an entrepreneurs. It can also be really tempting to only surround yourself who reflect the best parts of yourself, and who support your ideas without much challenge. But you will never be awesome if you don't have some one who will kick your butt sometimes. Someone who will expose your weaknesses and force you to face the brutal facts that can weight down even the best businesses. A feisty partner will challenge you to look deeper and the results will be 10x stronger as a result.

2. Follow-Through: Entrepreneurs run fast. Like cheetahs, they tent to sprint while chasing down an idea, and then have periods of rest, during which they don't do much at all. A strategic partner will follow you while you're sprinting, making sure that the millions of ideas and initiatives that you start during the sprint are captured. Then they will pick up the ball and take the lead when you are resting, making sure that those ideas and initiatives are actually realized.

3. Confidence: Even the most brash, outgoing entrepreneur has moments of nagging doubt. Did you make the right decision? Did you consider all of the outcomes? What impact will your choices have on your future success? A partner can help you flesh out your ideas and put more meat on the bone, so that when you pull the trigger you have confidence in your decisions. They will never work out exactly as planned, but you will know that you took the time to think them through.

There are many reasons to find a good partner as you build your business. But just remember that I'm not speaking here of a traditional business partner who shares a part of your business. In fact, business partnerships need to be carefully managed as they frequently fail. Consider alternative methods of partnership, including mentors, coaches, consultants, and peers.