Friday, 29 October 2010

Company Culture: 3 Ways to Develop a Winning Attitude

by Brad Campbell

Buzzwords are developed for a reason. They are talked about with young up and comers and CEO’s alike. The buzzword is something which is embraced by all those looking to get ahead in business. Many buzzwords come and go, but only the best ones stick around. One of the buzzwords which does not appear to be going anywhere any time soon is ‘company culture’.

Company culture means a winning attitude shared by everyone within the company. It is something which is invested in by the majority of the most successful companies. It involves empowering employees so that they feel as if they are a member of a larger picture rather than a cog in the machine. It does not matter if the business is in lead generation or retail, it is important to have a winning attitude. It is important to have company culture.

So, how do you get company culture? Different businesses attack the problem through different means. While a large company might hire consultants and invest millions into creating the winning attitude, it is simply not a course small businesses can pursue. Small companies like a telephone answering service or a local production company need to approach the problem from a different angle. Here are a few suggestions to get started on the road to company culture.

1. Listen to Employees. Employees need to feel as if they are respected. It is simple to make employees feel respected by simply respecting them. Call for company meetings regularly and talk about ideas for how to improve the business. Whether one on one or in a group setting, these strategy sessions make the employee feel as if they are really doing something rather than just punching a clock. The more regular the meetings are, the more productive they will be as employees will start preparing to speak their mind.

2. Try New Things. After meetings with employees, go to the next step and try out suggestions. As long as the suggestion will not damage the income or the reputation of the company, there is nothing to lose. You never know, it might be a great idea on how to generate new business. It is amazing how well ideas which sounded off the wall and even a bit garish at first will deliver superior results in the end. When the employees see you are using their ideas, they will be empowered and work even harder to produce for a company they love.

3. Maintain a Small Business Feel. As a company grows, the tendency is to lose the company culture focus. CEOs become distant from employees and mid-level managers become more interested in following the instructions handed down from on high rather than listening to employee suggestions. The door to the CEO should always be open no matter how large the company gets. While the CEO might not always be available for one on one conferences, managers should take the place and field the suggestions. Suggestions should be tried on every level by funneling the information upward.

The greater the energy in the business, the faster the business will grow. Get started today on creating company culture and success will follow.

Resource Nation provides free tools, tips, and purchasing advice for business owners and entrepreneurs in over 100 business categories ranging from phone systems to credit card processing. Whether it's connecting businesses with local and national pre-screened vendors, or offering easy service comparisons on a VoIP service, Resource Nation empowers business decision makers by providing the information they need to make smart choices.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

8 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Use Feng Shui for More Business

by Kathryn Weber 

One of the greatest rewards of being an entrepreneur is the ability to call the shots in your business. But, that’s also one of the greatest risks – you’re responsible for all the decisions.

Fortunately, with feng shui, you can use the principles of this ancient technique to help you draw more clients to you, create a harmonious business that attracts business, and builds a financial foundation for your life that gives you more control, greater freedom and feeling of personal achievement.

But how can you put feng shui to work as an entrepreneur? I’ve put together a list of eight ways that feng shui can help generate more flow – and that means more success and more sales for you.

1. Put money first.

When it comes to your business, money should always come first. Why? Well, because you’re in business. Emails can wait, filing can wait, but money can’t.

Write your bills every Monday and every day ask yourself if the activities you’re doing are money-generating. Busy doesn’t always equal financially productive – so do those things that are and delegate the busy work to someone else.

2. Water is wealth.

Make sure you are surrounded by financial energy and that energy’s element is water. Keep a clear, running and full fountain in your office to help keep you relaxed and stimulate business opportunities. North, the business opportunity sector, is also the direction associated with water. Adding metal here will also stimulate water energy – and that stimulates business and money from your business.

3. Have a vision.

What is your symbol of success? If you want to be the world’s best cookbook writer, then wrap some cookbooks in a cover with your name on it. Seeing is believing. Find a symbol that is meaningful for you and keep it where you can prominently see it while you work. Pick a symbol, any symbol and keep it in front of you.

4. Feng shui your website.

Yes, feng shui can even be applied to bytes and pixels! I often see businesses that have websites whose colors conflict, such as red and silver, green and beige, or green and yellow. These are color combinations that fatigue visitors – meaning the website is less sticky and more likely to be abandoned and with fewer repeat visitors.

That’s because these color combinations make your website work against itself – and that gets you nowhere. Select feng shui compatible color combinations. This would include blue, black, and white or yellow, purple, and red, or green, black, and blue. Not sure about your site? Call me for a feng shui assessment of your website to check your color combinations.

5. Open communication.

Sales depend on making it as easy as possible for the customer to reach you. Get yourself a 1-800 number, a fax number, and a land-line if you’re in business. Interestingly, when I moved from a cell phone as my primary business phone and got all the other lines installed, I began receiving many more calls. Think of it this way: no talk, no sales; more talk, more sales!

6. Get more clients.

Many “solopreneurs” have a poor filing system (if any). Make sure you have a file cabinet with a specified drawer just for client files — and keep your clients in red folders; this energizes the client and keeps them in contact with you (read: repeat customer!).

When you want more clients, have three blank folders on your desk at all times, just ready for the next one. Also, get a label maker and make a label for each new customer. The more respect you give to your customer files, the more customers you’ll have.

7. Beauty pays you.

If you’re a work at home entrepreneur, chances are you may have a less-than-inspiring work area. Invest in your office and make it attractive, organized, and functional. Having a beautiful work space is motivating and encourages creativity.

When you are surrounded by beauty and inspiring views, objects, or artwork, you are more likely to think creatively, come up with new approaches to your business, and be more productive – and that makes you more money!

8. Use the Power of One.

One is the number of opportunity and money from business in feng shui. There is probably one thing that you could do to instantly make a difference in your business. What is it? For some, it would be to create that first product, for others it would mean publishing your book, and for others it might be making sales calls. But, chances are you know the one thing that’s standing in the way of your success. Get to work on just that one thing.

You know what it is.

Do it now and put it ahead of everything else.

© K Weber Communications LLC 2002-2010

Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook “Easy Money – 3 Steps to Building Massive Wealth with Feng Shui” visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Women Entrepreneurs The Secrets of Success for Monday, October 25th

Christine Gallagher

Christine Gallagher is a relationship marketing specialist and social media business coach. She graduated Cum Laude from Temple University in 2000 with a Bachelors in Communications and Mass Media and received a double Masters in Information Systems and Information Science from Drexel University in 2003.

Through her consulting, coaching and training business, Christine helps entrepreneurs and small business owners maximize their business profits using an integrated social media and online marketing strategy with a particular focus on blogging, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. Christine also has a strong background in the world of Internet technology and is passionate about showing solopreneurs how to create powerful relationships using social media as well as teaching them how to stop trading dollars for hours by using online information marketing techniques. Christine currently has over 15,000 people in her social media community and on her email list and was recently featured as a social media marketing expert in the book Get Scrappy: A Small Business Owner's Guide to Marketing On Less. Her blog, was also just chosen as one of the top 50 small business blogs by

After applying Christine's proven online marketing methods, her clients typically experience a significant increase in traffic, subscribers, clients, affiliates and lucrative joint venture opportunities. Christine is an in-demand speaker both locally and virtually and regularly delivers social media and online marketing presentations and in-depth training. Christine lives in Southern New Jersey with her husband Sean and their 2 crazy cats.

8:00 pm EDT
Listen to the live or archived show at:

Saturday, 23 October 2010

What Makes a Writer

By Sophfronia Scott

Lately I’ve been thinking about what makes a writer. I get emails with questions about how to put a manuscript together or what to put into a query letter or how to get editing services.

But I hear very little about the writing itself. Sometimes I get questions I can’t answer because I need to know more about what the person has written so far. When I ask, nine times out of ten the person has written little or nothing. They’re out there putting the proverbial cart before the horse.

Please don’t forget: whatever your book, whatever you want to create, you must address the writing. Maybe your book is fiction, maybe it’s non-fiction. Maybe you know you can’t write a word—and that’s good too! At least you know your first task is to find someone to get your ideas down on paper for you.

But one way or another, your book must be written before anything can happen. (If you’re seeking to get published traditionally, you’ll have to write a book proposal, not the whole book, but even then you need to submit sample chapters.) Nothing else matters at this point. I encourage you to find the writer in you. What makes a writer? Well, here’s the list I came up with. I’ll add to it as time goes on. Let me know what you think should be on the list!

1.    Knowing you must finish what you write. Not finishing guarantees you won’t publish.
2.    The desire to read as much as you can so you’re constantly learning what’s possible with language.
3.    Knowing there’s a world of potential in what you’re about to write.
4.    Understanding the magic is in the details–and a detail is more than just naming the brand of a car or a shirt.
5.    Understanding this is a craft and the editor is not the bad guy (or girl).
6.    There’s a story inside of you dying to get out–and you know you’ll absolutely love it when it’s done.
7.    Knowing the work is good because you made someone feel something, not just because someone told you it was good.
8.    Knowing that re-writing is just as much a part of your job as writing.
9.    Understanding that words are magic and a willingness to strive to find the right ones.
10. The ability to trust that you can create something new and bring amazing work into the world.
11. The desire for that moment of connection when the reader sees in your work a feeling they didn’t have words for before.
12. Awareness & recognition of moments of grace, beauty & horror, and the desire to render them in print.

© 2010 Sophfronia Scott

Sophfronia Scott is Executive Editor of the Done For You Writing & Publishing Company. Learn what a difference being a published author can make for your business. Get your FREE audio CD, “How to Succeed in Business By Becoming a Bestselling Author” and your FREE online writing and book publishing tips at

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

How to Handle Customer Complaints

by Brad Campbell

You start a business and you juggle the life between kids a spouse and everything else which gets heaped on your plate. The only thing you want to hear in regards to all of the hard work you have put into everything is accolades. The problem is this is hardly ever the case. When people are happy with what you are doing, they are silent. It is only when there is a problem you hear about it.

The important thing to do when there are customer complaints is to stay organized in the way it is handled. There should be an organized response to the complaints you encounter no matter what form the complaint comes in. If the complaint comes in the form of a letter, it needs to immediately uploaded into the computer and organized through your document management software. If the complaint is in the form of a phone call, make sure it is written down or recorded to be transcribed. By having all information on one easily accessible spot, it makes it easier to reference it later.

Owning Responsibility

Once the complaint is logged in the document software, it is important to get out in front of the response. Assure the client their complaint has been received and it is receiving your full attention. By making sure they will not have to wait, you will be able to save face. Many expect their complaints will be ignored. When they get an immediate response about the matter being looking into, it empowers them and makes them willing to trust in you.

Look into the Problem

Rather than paying lip service to the client just to quiet them down, look into why the complaint occurred. Too often companies can improve if only they pay attention to the complaints they receive. You may discover there is a serious flaw in the way products are being processed or the manner in which service is being rendered. By ignoring the problem, you run the risk of losing more clients. Fixing the problem will allow your company to grow.

Fix the Problem

If there is anything which can be done, take steps or make plans to fix the problem. Not all fixes are easy or immediate, but getting started will make all of the difference in the world. It will show not just those who have complained, but all of your current and potential clients you are always in the process of providing better products or services.

Follow up with Your Client

Once a situation has been handled, it is important to check back with the client to make sure they are satisfied. Give an appropriate amount of time for the client to evaluate the changes or the plans to fix the problem mentioned in the complaint. By doing so, you will get an understanding of how effective your methods of handling complaints are.

Remember your clients are willing to give you feedback on your products or services. It is your job to listen to your clients and to ask them how you can improve your company to make them happier.

Resource Nation provides free tools, tips, and purchasing advice for business owners and entrepreneurs in over 100 business categories ranging from phone systems to credit card processing.  Whether it's connecting businesses with local and national pre-screened vendors, or offering easy service comparisons on VoIP service, Resource Nation empowers business decision makers by providing the information they need to make smart choices.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Keep the Wrong Customers - My version

When a business opens, no customers are the wrong customers. Long term business success, however, is dependent on finding profitable customers. Good customers refer good customers. Bad customers refer other bad customers, promote ill will, and require an inordinate commitment of resources to service. Pruning bad customers from a customer base is almost always a profitable decision.

When it comes to customer behavior, you will train your customers. You have no choice in that. But you can either choose to train them well or train them poorly. If you train customers well, they will respect your time, value your services, and pay on time. They will be happy customers. If you train customers poorly, they will pay slowly, complain repeatedly, and torture your soul.

How can you determine if a particular customer is a good customer? My business partner, Paul, and I consider ourselves experts at dealing with difficult clients in our CPA firm. Our client base consists mostly of small business owners. If you are a small business owner, you will undoubtedly agree that business owners can be a difficult bunch on a number of levels. First, you don't overcome all of the problems associated with producing a thriving business without a healthy dose of stubbornness. The meek don't survive long. Second, small business owners like to control their destinies and environment. People, who like to be in control, have strong opinions. Third, successful small business owners are financially savvy. They aren't afraid to ask for lower prices. They are difficult clients by any reasonable definition. I am one too. I share all of these characteristics.

Given that most successful small business owners are a bit difficult, and given that we want successful clients, Paul and I have learned to deal with difficult clients. We rate clients in the following way. Our top clients are those who pay nearly immediately and don't gripe incessantly about price. That doesn't mean these clients aren't demanding. They usually are demanding. Clients, who pay well and quickly, expect and deserve the best service. We give it to them. If they need a letter written to a bank or a financial analysis completed immediately, we provide that level of service. When they need to meet with us, our schedules magically open for them. When they call, our office staff knows to interrupt us and put their calls through. They are happy clients, who provide a wealth of referrals for us. Great clients tend to associate with other great clients. We consider these clients “A” level.

Our “B” clients pay mostly on time and also don't complain much. We also provide a very high level of service to these clients, but they don't get the immediate turnaround on projects that “A” clients demand and get. Their telephone calls are returned on a timely basis, and we can normally schedule meetings with them within a few days. Of course, if an “A” client and a “B” client are both on hold, guess whose call gets answered first? “B” clients are also happy clients, who provide us with a few referrals each year.

“C” clients are normally people, who don't pay on time, but are nice people, who don't complain much. They respect our time and have reasonable expectations for turnaround. Many times, these clients have businesses that are in some financial difficulty. We aren't happy about not being paid on time, but as long as “C” clients are nice people to deal with, they are still valued clients. Over the years, we have seen a few “C” clients become “A” or “B” clients when their business fortunes have improved.

We have a technical term for “D” and “E” clients. We call them ex-clients. They don't pay on time, they gripe about price, and generally just aren't nice people. These clients are also among the demanding about our level of service. They expect immediate turnaround. A few years back, one “E” client asked me why it always took so long to complete his projects. I told him, “You are going to pay me in six months. I have other work I can do that pays immediately. What would you do if you owned my business? Would you work for paying customers or nonpaying customers?” I knew he didn't have any money, and his business was barely one step ahead of bankruptcy. He went somewhere else. I was glad. I had been willing to have him as a client as long as he understood the deal between us. Slow pay means slow service. When he no longer understood that, it was time for him to go. I don't miss him. Bad clients also refer other bad clients. When you get rid of one, you are saving yourself the headache of dealing with several more. This guy's referrals had all been struggling business owners, who paid poorly. My life measurably improved when he was gone.

During tax season, Paul and I also keep a top secret list called our bucket list. This is a list of clients, who have become “D” or “E” clients by violating established standards of human behavior. For instance, they made our lives difficult during our busiest season by just generally being pains in the ass. We might have had problems getting them to provide information for their tax returns, or they might have lousy payment histories. In general, that isn't enough to get on the bucket list. These attributes usually have to be combined with general nastiness. That gets them on the bucket list. The bucket list is our list of clients, who are dead to us. We want them dead and gone from our lives.

A couple weeks after the April 15th tax deadline, we sit down and re-evaluate the clients on the bucket list. My bucket list will normally consist of five or six clients, who have fallen to the level of vermin in my eyes. A couple weeks after tax season, I reconsider the situations that have put clients on the list. With tax season over, my emotions have calmed, and I am in a position to really consider if a client is a bad client. In a lot of cases, I have to honestly admit to some blame myself. By the time I am done, the bucket list normally shrinks to two or three clients. They get the firing letter. The firing letter is just like the breakup letters high school girls send ex-boyfriends. The general theme is, “It's not you. It's me.” I don't mean that any more than high school girls do.

One client a few years back had his banker call me about when his corporate tax returns would be done before this client had even sent me his tax information. During tax season, I don't have time to deal with useless telephone calls. There was nothing I could tell the banker. Because of confidentially laws, I literally couldn't discuss anything with him since I didn't have the client's permission. This was an absolute total waste of fifteen minutes of my precious, limited time on earth. When the client's tax information came to our office the next day, I packed it back up and sent it right back to him. This guy had become an ex-client before actually becoming a client in the first place. Here is a hint for you. Don't have your banker call your CPA before you have given permission for the communication. This maneuver will get you on your CPA's bucket list. Yes, he / she has one. We all do.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Going the Extra Mile will Get You Even Farther

by Jack Canfield

In life, victory often goes to those who make a 100% commitment to the outcome. They give it their all and put everything they have into getting their desired result... whether it be an Olympic gold medal, the top sales award, a perfect dinner party, or an A in microbiology.

It's a simple concept, yet you'd be surprised how many people don't stick to their disciplines, follow through with their plans, or go the extra mile.

Are you someone who consistently goes the extra mile and routinely over delivers on your promises?

It's rare these days, but it's the hallmark of high achievers who know that exceeding expectations helps you stand above the crowd. Almost by force of habit, successful people simply do more.

As a result, they experience not only greater financial rewards for their extra efforts but also a personal transformation, becoming more self-confident, more self-reliant, and more influential with those around them.

These high achievers stand out from the crowd because of their extra efforts. They are unwilling to give up, even in the face of difficult times.

They get the promotions, they get the loyal customers, they grow their businesses twice as fast, they get financial rewards, job security, and they go home feeling satisfied.

Do you exceed expectations?

Do you surprise people with more than they were expecting from you?

Do you have the opportunity - but also the personal initiative - to go the extra mile?

To be successful you must change your thinking. You can only win by making extra efforts. People who go the extra mile always get payback. You will discover yourself becoming more self-confident, more self-reliant and more influential with those around you.

People notice the special services and all the small touches that make dealing with you so pleasurable. And when they are talking to their friends they will mention you and recommend you because you are the one who stands out.

People will see that you pay attention to detail, that you consider all the small things that really make a business successful, that you care about your image, and that you belong with all the other people who work hard to achieve. You will attract new business and new opportunities.

Listen to any success story and you will hear of someone who worked exceptionally hard to get what they wanted.

You’ll hear how they put in the extra time, did what wasn’t part of their job description, and over-delivered on what was asked of them. You’ll hear how they stuck at it until they broke through, and usually you’ll hear how it only took them a couple of years to do it.

What have you been doing for the past couple of years? Think of what you could accomplish if you made it a habit to exceed everyone’s expectations. Image what doors could be open to you if you decided to be of better service and value.

How are you willing to go the extra mile? What kind of extra service are you willing to provide in order to stand out from the rest? What areas of your life could you be giving more of your effort and time, becoming more valuable, and improving your reputation?

Be willing to treat everyone like you’d treat your dearest friend. Don’t skimp on service. Don’t be mediocre or run of the mill. Show people what you are capable of. Show them that you care about your image and reputation.

When it comes to success, the people who are willing to go the extra mile get there that much faster!

* * *

Are you "stuck" in this area?
Send me your most pressing question about this topic, then join me for our monthly Ask Jack Canfield Tele-Clinic on November 3rd.
© 2010 The Canfield Training Group
All Rights Reserved.

Jack Canfield, America's #1 Success Coach, is founder of the billion-dollar book brand Chicken Soup for the Soul© and a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. If you're ready to jump-start your life, make more money, and have more fun and joy in all that you do, get your FREE success tips from Jack Canfield now at:

Saturday, 16 October 2010

"Think Like an Entrepreneur" Book Signing Today!

Date: Saturday, October 16, 2010
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Borders Books Princeton
601 Nassau Park Blvd. (Off of Rt 1)
Princeton, NJ 08540

Meet author, Deborah A. Bailey at the book signing for "Think Like an Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life."  

For directions and more information:

Can't make it to the signing?

Find out more and read an excerpt here:

"Being an Entrepreneur your journey is often YOU, alone, with many decisions and feelings. "Think Like an Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life" supports you and your next steps to live your dream" - Susan Vernicek, Founder and Owner of Identity Magazine 

This book is for you if you want:

    * Guidance on reinventing your career in spite of what may be going on in the economy
    * A blueprint for moving from employee to entrepreneur directly from someone who has experienced it
    * Clear steps for managing fear of failure and self doubt
    * Motivation to pick you up (and point you in the right direction) when you're facing the emotional and mental challenges that come with making life changes
    * To know how to think like an entrepreneur so that you can constantly increase your income and your opportunities!

"Along with an entrepreneur class in high school, "Think Like an Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life" should be required reading. So many people choose a career based on making other people happy only to find that years down the road they are miserable. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone had the courage to begin their career following their dreams."  - Julie Barnes, writer, aspiring artist and author of "So You Want to Start a Business...Now What?"

Friday, 15 October 2010

Is Social Media Getting the Attention It Deserves?

by Shannon Suetos

Social media, new media, whatever you want to call it, has been gaining popularity for the past few years. More and more marketers are seeing a need to have a presence in these different mediums. The problem is tying revenue from these efforts. At the end of the day, small business owners are concerned with the bottom line.

“A September 2010 survey by Econsultancy, sponsored by digital marketing agency bigmouthmedia, found nearly half of companies worldwide still said “the jury is out” on the value of social media for their firm. This group still felt they were not able to measure the return on their social media investment—even to put a value on it relative to their other marketing activities,” reports eMarketer.

eMarketer also found in a different report that, “The biggest obstacle for social strategies was not having enough data to come up with a measure of return on investment.” Because social media is becoming a viable marketing tactic for many companies, the question now becomes how do we tie revenue to our social media efforts?

Have a Plan

What is it exactly that you want to see from your social media efforts? Are you engaging your target audience to get brand awareness? Do you want to drive more traffic to your blog and website? Do you want to conduct a contest? The first step for any marketing tactic is to have a plan with goals. You don’t go into a PPC campaign blindly, so you don’t want to do the same with social media.

Write up a clear plan on exactly what you want to see happen with your social media strategy, and from there you can figure out how you are going to measure your efforts. Many marketers set up a Twitter account or Facebook page and then ignore their profiles. You have to commit to these profiles and spend time on them just like you would for any other marketing tactic. When you are writing up your marketing plan, decide how many hours (even if it is just an hour) a day you will be dedicating to social media.

Conversion Rates

Just like with any other online marketing tactic, you need to set a benchmark. Start tracking your website traffic from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube wherever you are present. Set up specific landing pages if you have to. The more you can see a straight conversion rate from your efforts, the more you can start tying in a revenue stream from the traffic brought in from these sites.

If you are conducting a contest, a new landing page is your best option. You will be able to see exactly how and when your target audience is paying attention to your stream, which allows you to figure out when the best time is to post new information.


If you are paying a writer (or taking time from your day) to write content to bookmark, track that time as social media time. If you are getting quality backlinks from the copy you are writing, and in turn submitting it to social bookmarketing sites, then that can be tied into SEO revenue. Social media can be a great way to attain more links to your site and get brand exposure—you just have to start tracking your efforts.

Although the links that are submitted to social sites are nofollwed, it doesn’t mean that reporters, bloggers or other companies won’t find the article and use it for their site—which could be followed. Monitoring your company online is a must—whether you have a social media presence or not.

Contact Forms

If you already ask your customers about how they heard about your company, add the options for them to select Twitter and other social media sites you are on. This will give you an idea of the brand exposure and actual sales you are making because of these sites.

Jeffery Cohen writes on Social Media B2B that, “The total cost divided by the number of leads, or other number that represents conversions, is the cost per lead. As these leads go into the normal sales funnel, and get qualified, you will see the return on your social media investment.”

The main point for marketers is social media may or may not be a viable option for your company, but you have to set benchmarks and measure your success. There is no guarantee that Twitter, Facebook and YouTube will be the right fit for your company, but you will never know until you try. Start out small and see if you get any followers and traffic from these sites. You don’t have to throw a lot of money at a “social media guru” if you don’t know if it will work.

Shannon Suetos is an expert writer on fulfillment companies based in San Diego, California. She writes extensively for an online resource that provides expert advice on purchasing and outsourcing decisions for small business owners and entrepreneurs such as VoIP Service at Resource Nation.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

"Let Ali Bankroll Your Business Competition"

Grand Prize: $5,000

First-Place Prize: The Ultimate Ali Success Package (a $4,997 value!)

Deadline to Enter: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 (by midnight EST)

To enter, you must do 4 things:

1. Click here to download an application

2. Fax the application back to (877) 742-8046 or email your completed
application to

3. Post a video on Ali Brown's Facebook page:

4. Submit your application and post your video no later than
midnight (12:00AM EST), Wednesday, October 20, 2010. That's only
6 days away!

Ali will announce the winners Wednesday, November 3 at SHINE in
Las Vegas. You must be in the room to claim your prize. If you
are serious about your new business idea and think you have what
it takes to win, show your commitment.

SHINE is an intensive, 3 days of practical, hands-on training in
topics like online marketing, business management, productivity,
business growth, 6-figure revenues, and more. You will walk away
with the strategies, systems and tools to start your business,

And if Ali picks you, you could walk away with $5,000 to finally
launch your business. Learn all about the contest here:

Remember, the deadline to enter the "Let Ali Bankroll Your
Business Competition" ends at midnight on Wednesday, October 20,
2010. Have fun with it, and good luck!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Leading Under Pressure for Small Business

by Erika H. James

Erika H. James is an associate professor of business administration at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business. Here's her guest post on how small business owners need to be prepared in the event of a crisis.

This past summer the book that I co-authored with Lynn Perry Wooten, Leading Under Pressure: From Surviving to Thriving Before, During, and After a Crisis, was released with great fanfare and interest. The timing could not have been more perfect for its debut. It hit bookshelves and online outlets in the midst of the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion and subsequent oil spill. The country was riveted by video of oil gushing endlessly from the debilitated underwater rig in the Gulf Coast, and we were drawn into the 24-hour news cycle reporting of the ineptness with which BP executive Tony Hayward handled the public relations aspect of crisis response. Technically, the oil giant may have done all the right things to stop the leak and contain the oil, but the public could not get beyond the PR gaffes to show much empathy for the firm. In the midst of this crisis comes Leading Under Pressure, and the need for such a book was crystal clear.

To be completely frank, however, we wrote Leading Under Pressure with the Fortune 500 firms in mind. The executives leading those firms were our intended audience, as we felt they needed the most help. Interestingly, however, over the past several months, we have received more speaking requests from small to medium-size firms and from government agencies or other non-profits. In preparing for those talks, we realized that the core principles of the book apply, regardless of one's profit status or size. Although the consequences of crisis for the small business may be less dramatic, and therefore less public, they are no less severe and painful for the people working for and leading those firms. With that in mind, I present the "Top 5 Things a Small Business Owner Should Know About Successfully Leading Under Pressure":

1. Effective crisis handling requires more than good PR. In fact, in the book we rarely use the term crisis management, preferring instead to highlight the importance of leadership during difficult times. Crisis leadership encompasses PR, to be sure, but it necessarily goes beyond the communication side of crisis handling to include key leadership capabilities.

 2. Not all crises are the same. A simple but effective way to distinguish crisis types is with the labels Sudden Crisis vs. Smoldering Crisis (terms introduced to me by my colleagues at the Institute for Crisis Management). We are all familiar with the natural disasters, acts of terrorism, or workplace violence that constitute the sudden crisis category, but did you know that nearly three-quarters of crises are smoldering in nature? Smoldering crises are the small internal problems in a firm that, if ignored, can become a crisis. Labor complaints leading to class action lawsuits or product defects leading to recalls are two common examples of smoldering crises.

3. Leadership under pressure is a state of mind. Those managers, owners, team leaders, etc. who are able to scan the environment and see problems on the horizon as well as possibilities for a greater tomorrow are more likely to eventually reap the proverbial opportunity from a crisis situation.

4. Specific competencies are particularly relevant for leading under pressure. These include the ability to make quick and ethical decisions and to take risks even in the face of a threat in addition to possessing a passion for learning and a capacity for building trust across all stakeholders. Over time, leaders who do these things well ultimately help prevent crises.

5. Pay attention to impact on and input from all stakeholders. It is all too easy to become blinded by those stakeholders with the loudest bark or who have the most power or control over the organization (e.g., regulators, lending institutions, activists, or private investors) and to lose sight of other stakeholders who may actually need leadership's attention more. Certainly, you cannot ignore the powerful groups, but neither can you cower to them at the expense of employees and customers, who, at the end, of the day do more to keep the small business alive then almost any other group.

Erika H. James is an associate professor of business administration at the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business.

This article was originally posted on the blog, The Business of Being Monique.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

The Three Toxic Myths Of Scarcity

by Lora Sasiela

"The economic crisis marks a moment for women to
re-discover and embrace the concept of 'enough'."
~Lynne Twist

I adore this month's book selection for the Financially Smitten Virtual Book Salon and want to share some of the author's brilliance with you.

The Soul of Money: Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Inner Resources by Lynne Twist {a global activist and fundraiser} is an inspiring exploration of the connection between m0ney and leading a fulfilling life. She asserts that by examining our attitudes toward m0ney– how we earn it, spend it, invest it, and give it away–we can gain illuminating and empowering insight into our lives, our values and the very essence of prosperity.

She shares the Three Toxic Myths of Scarcity, which provide the bedrock for most of our interactions with money:

1. There's not enough.
Lynne writes: "No matter who we are or what our circumstances, we swim in conversations about what there isn't enough of." Maybe we are sharing with others how we didn’t get enough sleep, or we struggle with an internal chorus of being "not thin enough," "not smart enough," etc. This scarcity assumption is deeply embedded in us and our culture and she begs us to see its impact and question it. She states:

 "Scarcity is a lie. Independent of any actual amount of resources, it is an unexamined and false system of assumptions, opinions, and beliefs from which we view the world as a place where we are in constant danger of having our needs unmet."

2. More is better.
Lynne talks about how in our rush for "more" we loose the ability to experience the deeper value of what we acquire or already have. It renders us less mindful and literally robs of us our true "riches." She writes: "In the mind-set of scarcity, even too much is not enough."

3. That's just the way it is.
Lynne notes that there is a resignation, a perceived powerlessness, regarding change and our ability to truly confront the root of these scarcity the assumptions, which perpetuates a sense of helplessness.

She implores us to question these toxic myths and provides many examples in her book of people--of all economic circumstances -- living from a place of "enoughness" and sufficiency... where they truly treasure and steward what they already have. She defines sufficiency as "an experience, a context we generate, a declaration, a knowing that there is enough, and that we are enough."

"Appreciation is the beating heart of sufficiency."

I'm sure that many of us can relate to her assertion that "...we mostly breeze right past the point of enough as if it's not even there." The key to letting in this experience of 'enough' is the willingness to relinquish these three toxic myths. Personally, I have found this to be a book that champions you to be a better version of yourself.

If you'd like to experience Lynn Twist's inspiring nature, click here to watch a two-minute video of her speaking about the two branches of gratitude.

Take some time to think about how these three toxic myths are influencing your behaviors and feelings about money. Contemplate these questions: Are there any places in my life where I feel enoughness? Are there places that I don't and I'd like to? What can I do to add more appreciation to those particular pockets of my existence?

And please join us for the conversation about "The Soul of Money" in the Financially Smitten Virtual Book Salon. We are telegathering on October 13th. You can reserve your virtual seat by clicking here

Lora Sasiela, Money Makeover Artist and founder of Financially Smitten, LLC, is empowering women worldwide to kiss fin.ancial heartache goodbye with her transformative fin.ancial therapy and m0ney coaching programs. To learn more about Lora, her services, and to claim your F.R.E.E Money Makeover Kit, visit

About the Financially Smitten Book Salon

A basic tenet of creating a wonderful relationship with money is to respect and appreciate it consistently. One simple way to do this is to make a commitment to read at least one book about money a month. Financially Smitten has made it easy and fun to do this with the Monthly Book Salon!

Each month we will read a book on money psychology, relationship with money, or personal finance and gather virtually on a conference line to explore the teachings. The Book Salons are lead by financial therapist and money coach Lora Sasiela. These guided discussions will:
  •      highlight the most powerful take-aways from each book
  •      provide an opportunity for Salon members to share their thoughts and reactions
  •      broaden your knowledge base of the nuances and dynamics inherent in managing a successful relationship with money
  •      help you apply this new knowledge to improve YOUR relationship with money

Each month will be a lively and educational discussion! Please join us! For more information and to register, click here.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Women Entrepreneurs The Secrets of Success for Monday, October 11th

Anita Campbell

Anita Campbell is the founder, CEO, and editor of Small Business Trends, a popular website where small businesses and entrepreneurs can stay on top of trends driving the small business market. She also hosts Small Business Trends Radio and is a respected business speaker.

More recently, Anita acquired the website BizSugar, a social bookmarking and networking site for small and medium-sized business owners and managers. Through the site, users can meet other business owners with whom they can share interests and knowledge. As well, users can discover websites and articles that provide answers to common business challenges and share useful ideas.

8:00 pm EDT
Listen to the live or archived show at:

Saturday, 9 October 2010

"Think Like an Entrepreneur" Book Signing at Borders Books Princeton, NJ

Date: October 16, 2010
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Borders Books Princeton
601 Nassau Park Blvd. (Off of Rt 1)
Princeton, NJ 08540

Meet author, Deborah A. Bailey at the book signing for "Think Like an Entrepreneur: Transforming Your Career and Taking Charge of Your Life."  

For directions and more information:

"Think Like An Entrepreneur" is a passionate book about the spirit of a go getter! Learn what it takes to transition from employee to entrepreneur, it has well over 60 themes, insightful quotes, and powerful questions to get the individual moving forward. I enjoyed this book very much!" - Adrienne Bennett, Soulful Blend Living LLC

This book is for you if you want:

    * Guidance on reinventing your career in spite of what may be going on in the economy
    * A blueprint for moving from employee to entrepreneur directly from someone who has experienced it
    * Clear steps for managing fear of failure and self doubt
    * Motivation to pick you up (and point you in the right direction) when you're facing the emotional and mental challenges that come with making life changes
    * To know how to think like an entrepreneur so that you can constantly increase your income and your opportunities!

"If your life isn't "working" the way you'd like it to and you're ready to make a change, you need this book! The practical advice, helpful tips, and thought-provoking questions will show you how to empower yourself and transition into the life you've been dreaming of." - Kelli Wilkins, author

Friday, 8 October 2010

Women Entrepreneurs The Secrets of Success for Friday, October 8th

"Simply Sue" Falcone

As a gifted international motivational and inspirational speaker, facilitator, and published author, Sue Falcone uses her unique presentation of humor and energy to touch lives and change hearts.

Skilled as a former AT&T and Lucent Technologies Executive, and Direct Sales Business Owner, Sue is a Dale Carnegie Speaker and Trainer graduate, certified from the Zig Ziglar Leadership Training Group, and a Bob Pike Creative Training Techniques graduate.

As a speaker for more than forty years with a vast background in communications, sales and marketing, customer service, financial counseling, time management, writing, and personal spiritual growth; Sue is available for Business Workshops/Seminars, as a Keynote Speaker, Women's Groups, Retreats, and Large Church Groups.

Sue is married to Carmen, and together they have a blended family of 4 awesome children, and 6 fabulous grandchildren. She loves the beach, walking, music, climbing lighthouses, reading, and helping others.

Visit Sue at and see additional testimonials, speaking topics, and booking information. You can view Sue on, follow her on, join her fan page at Speaks, and see her recommendations and fee schedule at

*Due to BTR technical difficulties, Sue Falcone's show will be rescheduled

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Just Take A Break!!

by Julie Barnes

Can taking a break really make you more productive? As an entrepreneur, you push yourself to the limit, trying to get that last to-do done. Sometimes, it can seem like it takes forever to finish one project, even though you refuse to take a break until it’s done. But what if I told you that by taking several breaks throughout the day, you can actually accomplish more.

Yes, it’s true!

According to Wikipedia, it’s estimated that, in adults, the human brain can only focus its attention on a chosen task for up to around 20 minutes maximum, before it needs a refresher.
So take a break! Go get your timer from the kitchen or download some cool timers online at,, or

1. Turn off all distractions –
  • Email
  • Cell phone
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
2. Set your timer for 20 minutes.

3. Now focus in on the project at hand.

4. When the timer goes off, take a 5 minute break.
  • Take a walk
  • Grab a cup of coffee
  • Do some yoga
  • Turn on your favorite music and dance
  • Play with your pet
5. Repeat

Another great benefit of taking a short break – it allows your brain to formulate ideas and work through any creative blocks.

When was your last break?

Julie Barnes is the author is this post. Julie is excited to be living in Generation E – the age of the Entrepreneur. As a writer, she enjoys writing about all aspects of the entrepreneur journey. She enjoys interviewing entrepreneurs whose experience and wisdom can inspire others to follow their entrepreneurial dreams. Julie lives and works in the Kansas City suburb of Overland Park, KS with her husband Ron and lovable dog Hank. You can visit her site at . Follow Julie on Twitter at Become a Facebook friend at 

Julie Barnes is a regular contributor to the Secrets of Success Blog.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Open Your Books to Your Employees

What could possibly be wrong with opening your books to employees? Power to the people and all that. If your employees know and understand your business, how can you fail? You can fail very easily as it turns out. Open-book management is a term that is normally credited to John Case, then a senior write at Inc. Magazine. However, the concept was popularized in the book, The Great Game of Business, by John Stack, which was published in 1997. Stack took a moribund division of a large manufacturing company and turned it into success by turning the employees into motivated company advocates. He did this by training the employees in reading and understanding key financial details that were keys to turning around the company. The book is a magnificent read and converted me into a devoted open-book management fan.

The key principles of open-book management are deceptively simple. First, train your employees in basic financial concepts such as gross profit, overhead, and reading balance sheets. Then identify the key financial indicators that are controllable by your employees. Finally, tie employee compensation to improving the key indicators that will drive your company's success. Execute the principles well and success is assured – or is it? Opening your books to employees has risks as well as potential rewards.

I won't quibble with the argument that many companies, who have failed at open-book management, have done a poor job executing the basic concept. I also won't challenge the idea that many companies that failed to implement the concepts successfully really weren't totally devoted to the idea. What I would like to do instead is start with all of the possible outcomes that could arise after successfully training your employees to read your financial statements. Then, let's evaluate which outcomes are most likely.

Let's start first with Jack Stack's experience as relayed in his book. The employees learn the financial concepts, apply them to their everyday job duties, and propel the company to new heights.

Outcome number two – the employees successfully learn about the financial concepts. When they find out just what terrible financial shape the company is in, they leave for other jobs with more successful companies.

Outcome number three – the employees learn about the financial concepts. When they learn how financially successful the company is, they begin figuring out how to divide the largess among themselves.

Outcome number four – the employees learn about the financial concepts. They yawn, since making the company successful is really the job of management not the workers. Just pay me dammit and leave me alone after 5 PM.

Which if these outcomes is most likely? We can't say definitively. Open-book management has been a great success at some companies and a brutal failure at others. Is there a way to predict the success or failure at any given company?

If we take a close look at Jack Stack's company, Springfield Re-manufacturing, two characteristics stand out in the company's pre-turnaround environment. First, the company was in horrible financial shape. The company wasn't completely broke, but Las Vegas odds makers wouldn't have bet a dime on survival. Second, the job prospects outside the company weren't very bright. If employees lost their jobs at Springfield Re-manufacturing, finding similar paying replacement jobs was unlikely. There weren't a lot of comparable manufacturing jobs available in the area to say the least. When you combine those two factors, you would expect the employees to make a significant effort to save the company.

What happens when financially profitable companies adopt open-book management? I found out the hard way. Back around 2001, I read Jack Stack's book and was smitten with the idea that empowering our employees to act like business owners would lead to an ever growing profit stream. Once of the first principles of open-book management is that you must train your employees in the basics of reading financial statements. What employees could be easier to train to read financial statements than the employees of a CPA firm? Presumably, they are already financially savvy. Many of our employees are CPA's, and the ones who are not at least have degrees in accounting. Reading financial statements, in theory, is something they should already know.

The second step was to devise a compensation system to reward our staff for increasing profits. The partners settled on a relatively simple and easy to manage system. We selected the year 2000 as our base year. Our bonus system was implemented in 2002. Each month we compared the company's profit or loss to the same month in the base year, 2000. If profit was higher, half of the increase in profit went into a bonus pool to be divided among the staff according to a formula based on relative salaries. If the monthly profit was lower in the bonus year, the shortage had to be made up in a subsequent month before bonuses could be paid. That way there would be no gaming the system. Employees could sandbag one month's billings by pushing them into the following month to increase profits in the second month at the expense of the first. You might ask why we would need to do that given that our employees are in a profession that prides itself on ethics. Our previous bonus system aid bonuses based on monthly billings versus a billing quota. We learned in the first couple months of that system that, yes, CPA's will game a system if given the chance – ethics be damned.

Training was done, and we had devised a great bonus scheme. The partners sat back and waited for the cash to roll in. We waited and waited and waited. Eventually, I had to cancel my Ferrari order. Over a period of two years, we only had to pay bonuses three times. By the end of the second year, the bonus pool was under more water than the Titanic. What happened?

I think some combination of outcomes three and four above accounted for the failure of the plan. The company was reporting profits throughout the two year period. As a policy and tax planning strategy, the partners did not take large salaries. So the reported profits apparently looked large enough to our employees even if they were smaller than in the base year. You might expect the employees of a CPA firm to look just a little bit further into our financial statements than say a bunch of janitors. However, after our experience, I might bet on the janitors. The point about the profits, that our employees missed, is that yu have to measure the level of profits against some yardstick. In our case, the company profitability should be compared to the profitably of other similarly sized CPA firms. Regrettably, our profitability was average for CPA firms. Yes, we did train our employees about comparing profitability against an industry yardstick, but viscerally no one seemed to apply that training to our situation. We were making plenty of money in their eyes. The company was in no financial trouble.

Outcome four also bit us in the ass. CPA firm employees tend to make more money than the average janitor. Apparently, our employees were happy enough with their compensation levels that they weren't willing to put forth additional effort to earn bonuses. We also fell victim to a principle well known among economists – the free rider problem. You see the free rider problem in situations where someone can get a benefit as a result of someone else's effort. In our case, everyone shared in the bonus pool regardless of personal effort. Consequently, some staff members were relying on the efforts of others to create a bonus pool. They were making no extraordinary effort, but were waiting to reap the benefits. After two years, we let our Titanic of a bonus plan to sink ignominiously into the abyss. We went back to our system of individual incentives and bonuses based on personal performance.

Women Entrepreneurs The Secrets of Success for Wednesday, October 6th

Joy Chudacoff 

Heralded as “The Coach for Women” in the millennium, Joy Chudacoff has x-ray vision when it comes to helping women discover their Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals! Joy draws on both her personal life and entrepreneurial experiences to support women in achieving better ways of living. It’s her passion, her purpose and her business. She is a Professional Certified Coach, highly skilled group leader, motivational speaker and a gifted communicator.

An entrepreneur for over 2 decades, Joy knows what it’s like to be a woman who integrates family and passionate work together. As a wife and mother of two, Joy understands the importance of self-care, family and reaching her entrepreneurial dreams of supporting women. Joy is on the Advisory Board for Women for Hire as well as a founding Board Member for The Broad’s Circle. She is the Business and Life Coach for the National Association of Entrepreneur Moms and serves as a Mastermind Leader for the Ali Brown Millionaire Protégé Club. Joy was awarded the 2009 Ali Brown Millionaire Protégé Club Platinum Excellence Award for having the most successful business programs that achieved growth in terms of clients and income.

Whether you’re looking at what’s next in your life, are a new business owner or have been in business years, Joy has easy, proven and simple programs that you can take advantage of to get everything in life that you want and deserve. Visit Joy’s website,, where you’ll find more articles by Joy plus information about her Women’s Success Circles, Smart Women Smart Solutions Coach Certification Programs at, Speaking engagements, teleclasses and upcoming events for women who are ready to live their Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals. Be sure to visit Joy’s blog,

8:00 pm EDT
Listen to the live or archived show at:

Monday, 4 October 2010

Business Event: "Raise Capital for Your Start-Up"

The capital raising process can be confusing and technical, but it can be critical for the development of fast growth ventures. Join the Executive Entrepreneurs Society as they ask poignant questions to industry experts including Gordon Rogers, the Atlanta Technology Angels Director, Sterling Wharton, GA's Centers of Innovation Director, and Steve Mitcham, Libreum Capital Management CEO.

Date: Tuesday,  October 5th
Time: 6:00PM - 7:30PM
Location: Georgia Tech College of Management
Suite 200, 800 W. Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. 30308

Attire: Business Casual
Cost: $0.00 
Register here:

Sponsored By: Woodcock Washburn, GT Alumni Assocation, Libreum Capital Management, Georgia Tech

The Executive Entrepreneurs Society is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to providing global support to fast growth ventures ranging from $50M in revenue to startup.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

"Ready for a Time Management Tune-up?"

by Ali Brown

Summer’s fun has come to an end, and for many of us, the kids are back in school. Fall is a precious time to buckle down and get some real work done with your business before the holidays are here. You may feel busy at every moment, but at the end of the day are you pleased with your results?

“It's not so much how busy you are, but why you are busy. The bee is praised. The mosquito is swatted.” -Mary O’Connor

Perhaps it’s time for a time management tune-up. Here are some strategies to get you started:

1. Organize. If the clutter in your office and on your desk bothers you, spend some time getting it organized. A clear workspace will free your mind and rid yourself of distractions.

2. Prioritize. If all of your “gotta-dos” are swimming around in your head making you feel anxious, write them down on a list. You’ll feel better as soon as you do. Next, prioritize the list into:

a. Urgent – things you must do that affect your bottom line, such as preparing for a client meeting

b. Important – should-dos, such as doing your invoices to keep the cash flow coming in

c. Can wait – still need getting done, but you have some time, such as renewing your web domain before it expires

Sometimes you’ll have competing urgent tasks, and you’ll be torn over which one takes precedence. When that happens, follow the money--which item will affect your business’s income the most. That should reveal a clear winner, and if it doesn’t, quickly compare one to another, and do first the one that you select the most often.

3. Delegate. Ideally you’ll want to delegate your “important” and “can wait” tasks to your assistant, if you have one. Feel the relief already? Now you can focus on those urgent tasks that you identified with greater focus. By handing off the less urgent to-dos to someone else, you have prevented them from becoming “drop everything and do it” emergencies later.

4. Plan. Don’t let your email inbox schedule your day. Instead, take control of your agenda and determine what you want and need to get done before you get started. Use your online calendar to gently remind yourself of your pre-planned activities. Schedule your most taxing tasks for when you are most alert for greatest productivity. If you’re best in the morning, do your toughest tasks then, and save your afternoons for coffee meetings with clients.

5. Cushion. People who are always late don’t seem to know how long things take, and it’s always longer than we think. For example, you know an event is at 3pm, and it is only 1pm, so you have plenty of time. But when you add up how long it takes to shower, do hair, make-up, press your blouse, and drive in traffic, you might realize that you are already late before you started.

Try working backwards from the time you want to arrive at a function, preferably a little early to network, and subtract out the time it takes to put yourself together. Add some “cushion time” so that you’ll be relaxed when you arrive. Remember to add this padding to your calendar or online scheduler so you won’t box yourself into an impossible situation.

6. Protect. Zealously protect your calendar. People will want pieces of you throughout the day zapping your energy and time. You owe it to yourself and to others who have scheduled time with you to protect your time. “No” can be a difficult word to say, but you’ll find it can be liberating.

7. Focus. Remove your distracters to get something important done well in a short amount of time. You know what they are, and they can be addictive: cellphone, email, Facebook, etc. Just turn them off for an hour or two to be really productive. You’ll be amazed and how much you can get done!

After putting these strategies into action, be sure to schedule in a reward for yourself for being so diligent and purposeful. Like the bee, you’ll be praised, but be sure and treat yourself to some honey as well.

© 2010 Ali International, LLC

Self-made millionaire entrepreneur and Inc. 500-ranked CEO Ali Brown teaches women around the world how to start and grow profitable businesses that make a positive impact. She was named one of 2010’s Enterprising Women of the Year and was recently included in the Ernst & Young 2010 Class of Entrepreneurial Winning Women. She was ranked on as the #1 woman for entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter. Get her FREE weekly articles and advice at

Friday, 1 October 2010

Smart Women Practice Quality Not Quantity

by Joy Chudacoff

Last weekend, I spent the day alone with my 7 year old daughter Jenna and it was grand. We went shopping, had lunch together and enjoyed a great afternoon. I felt a much stronger bond with her when the day ended. This got me thinking about how it’s the quality of the time you spend and not the quantity that matters in every area of your life.

Let’s face it, women have very busy, demanding lives. We are mothers, wives, partners, daughters, siblings, friends, community activists, employees and business owners. There are times when quantity is all I have to give because my plate is overflowing with “to-do’s. I’m there physically but not present in the moment. I’m busy “doing” rather than “being” because I’m thinking about so many things at once. Can you relate?

Last weekend, I was reminded that it’s about quality time and being present for the important parts of our lives. As I reflect on my special time with Jenna, I realize that this can be carried over to every aspect of my life. I can apply this thinking to my self-care, my relationships and my business.

Here are a few quick tips on how you can bring more quality time into your self-care, relationships and business:

1. Your Self-Care – This is typically the last thing on your list—right? Sometimes, when I talk about nurturing yourself first, I get these weird looks from women as if I’m some sort of an alien. It’s not natural for women to put themselves before others. We are nurturers by nature, however it’s essential that you give yourself quality time so that you can recharge your own battery. By the way, I didn’t truly understand this concept until after the age of 40. Getting a massage, practicing solitude or taking a bubble bath are great ways to nurture yourself.

2. Your Relationships – Spending quality time is so much more important than the quantity of time we spend with our family and friends. I find that an afternoon or evening with one of my children or husband where I’m truly present is worth more than spending an entire weekend while being distracted by life’s twists and turns. Schedule some “special” time with those you love. It will create a stronger bond and you’ll walk away feeling much more connected.

3. Your Business – If you aren’t careful, you can find yourself working “in” your business rather than “on” your business. It’s easy to get caught up in all the emails, social media and busy work that is part of running a business. Every week I have a meeting with myself and get very present about the direction of my business and goals. I’m checking- in to make sure that the steps I’m taking daily, weekly and monthly are in alignment with where I want to go. It is only then that I can communicate effectively to my team about the vision of Smart Women Smart Solutions®.

I have the opportunity to work with some amazing smart women. They are women with Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals which means they are leading very full lives.

Sometimes the feeling of guilt can creep in when they are on the journey to getting what they want and deserve in life. I invite you to schedule in some quality time for own self-care, your cherished relationships and your business goals.

Having this realization that it’s about quality time not quantity time sure makes me feel a lot better about all of the roles I play in my life. It can for you too.

© 2010 Joy Chudacoff

Joy Chudacoff, ICF, PCC, is the founder of Smart Women Smart Solutions®, a Professional Certified Coach to 1000’s of women, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She publishes a weekly buzz generating ezine, Reflections On Life and Business for Women Entrepreneurs. If you’re ready take your life and your business to the next level, get your FREE Tips, 2 FREE Reports and FREE MP3 now at